Posted on 21 February 2013
First I must apologise for the late update. Last weekend the 17th of February I went to photo-shoot together with a great and passion-able photographer Brazzi.
At the moment I'm doing project about photographers around London, who works inspires me, who were or still working/collaborating with varies of fashion magazines. It was very interesting to see the whole preparation and the actual photo-shoot. How the set up works, the make up artist model preparation, stylist set up clothes and accessories together, models trying on a lot of variations of stylish looks on until the photographer is fully satisfied with the whole model image.
Here are some images before the actual photo-shoot:
I asked photographer a few questions about the his work specific. One of my most favourite his work, is when he did the photo-shoot for "People" magazine and photographed famous girls music group. I was interested about the concept about it, who came up with the whole idea and who did the layout for magazine and ect. Brazzi explain me, that not even for this one, but mostly for every single one he did the editor-in-chief agree and give freedom for creativity. It includes photo editing and retouching, make=up stylist was chosen or already working for that magazine and always does the make up for models. The stylist itself varies depending on the photo=shoot location and the idea of final outcome, but most of the time the stylist sort out the look for models and prepare everything for the day of photo-shoot. When it comes to editorial and putting layout together the person in magazine who are responsible for this, has all the rights to do it and it becomes quit like "not a photographer business".
This is his another photography project, the idea was based of Fall feeling, collaborating with designer, who created the top out of red leafs. Brazzi did the test shots of model, to see how it looks on them. Here they are:
It end up not working very well with these two girls, so photographer started again searching for model who hopefully this time will click with the Blooding Fall theme. Must say, this is my favourite his photography so far. Here are the final outcome!
And the funny and liittle cheeky bit to sum up my VERY LONG post for today issss... During the last photo-shoot, when I was browsing and interviewing photographer I end up standing in from of camera. CRAZY! Anyway, it was fun and exciting to have this experience.