April 2013


Posted on 28 April 2013

During Easter time I was required to produce five different meaning and style feel to it having photo-shoots based on words. Sounds a little bit confusing? Let me explain this than. I had a list of words, each of them has a hidden fashion meaning behind it. It could be centuries like 30's, 60's or 90's. it could be photographers inspired work like Richard Avendon or Nick Knight, it could be one piece of clothing/accessory like varsity jacket, fur scarf, little black dress. The words were: 
Siren, Stunner, Chic, Dolly, New Look, Boyfriend, Vamp, Flapper, Belle Epoque, Land Girl, Utility, Riot Girl, Streamline, Demimonde, Jazz, Big Band, Bombshell, Hollywood Glamour, Amazon, Waif, Grunge. 
There was an example for us to clearer understand what we been asked to produce. Gwen Paltrow did something similar, that thing is all those images has to have the same model, so it shows how diverse the person could be. 

When I firstly saw those words I almost screamed of despair. Later all came into place and I've chosen words: Boyfriend, Vamp, Siren, Jazz and Chic. Sad part is that on every final photo I had to apply the key word and I absolutely HATE writhing words over the photos! Ahrrr... Anyway, thanks to my model Eva Bart, who was so inspired by this ideas of words and expressing her model talent in various ways. The Boyfriend idea was to show a very urban girl with her boyfriend varsity jacket joking and having fun in London's famous skate park - Southbank. 

The next photo-shoot was held near the Parliament, the key word is Chic. Dress is from Topshop, which one perfectly represented my idea of Chic looking woman, who's always on trend by knows her on style and plays with it every season. 

3rd is Siren word. I think this one was the trickiest for me in term of how to make look model that she is by the ocean, when I clearly don't near the beach (God, I'm in the middle of city jungle!) So, I played a little trick, made her hair wet, lay down by little stones and accessorised with shimmering necklace.

4th photo-shoot is Jazz theme. Decided to play with gorgeous leafs and branches of the tree shadows to create soft and sophisticated woman image. 

And last but not least - Vamp photo-shoot which one I really really really like. Model look mysterious and elegant that's how I imagine woman vampire. 

Sorry, for such a long post but I though all this series images has to be in one place. Hopefully it wasn't boring to look through all the photos:) Remember, magazine project is coming up so there will much more new photo-shoots!


Posted on 26 April 2013

The Times Rich List is probably the most desired list of the year. As a fashion student my biggest interest goes to top fashion millionaires in United Kingdom list. Surprisingly or not the number one is uncle and nephew created brand - Primark with 6,6 billion pounds. Galen and George Westons proofed that fast fashion retail business, where pair of ballerinas cost around 3 quid, has customers readiness to buy two of same pair even if they don't need them. But I'm here to talk about other subject which come into my notice - internet retailing. According to The Times Rich List Nick Robertson with his fashion retail ASOS.COM rocked by 28% in the three months to the end of February. Roberson, 45, founded the London-based operation and not he has a 256 million pounds stake and other assets. The interesting bit is that on year 2012 his online empire earn just 155 million, when after one year the income increase by 123 million pounds. To put this is amount of money in perspective you could buy bizzillion Primark dresses! 

ASOS, on number 18 in fashion rich list, not only had a amazing success in the past year but they also collaborate with well-known fashion brands like 7 For All Mankind, Chloe, Love Moschino, Michael Kors, Vivienne Westwood and many many more. What is exciting about this internet retail website is the amount of people who are willing to buy and sell their clothiers in here. YES, SELL! ASOS has created a platform called Marketplace (makes sense) where anyone, anywhere in the world, can sell fashion, to anyone, anywhere in the world. ASOS simply take 10% commission when the item sells at the price you set. So, if your's selling skirt cost 10 pounds the Marketplace commission for you will be only one quid. Moreover, ASOS has place for small fashion business or brands to show off as well called Boutique, obviously commission goes slightly high (20 per month and there is 20% commission payable on every sale). Still, ASOS has increased and helped so much for young fashion designers and brands beginners to be successful in their first steps. This idea is useful for all of three parts: customers buy eutectic, limited edition fashion pieces, Boutique increase income and sell to their audience. ASOS probably wins the most - they get more clicks on the website every time someone enters Marketplace, the Boutique owner monthly fee and also respect from both earlier mention parts - customers and small business owners. 
ASOS generally shows for all of us how customer are getting more and more interested in online retailing. Young people are looking for something more unique, something that makes them stand out, something that will be noticed and unreachable for other, not in terms of money but in terms of not knowing where to find certain items. So ATTENTION FASHION VICTIMS! I'm awarding you all with list of great and not that great online fashion shops. Grab it before it's gone forever. 

http://www.dress-for-less.co.uk I love the style of this website. Has great priced items.

http://www.yoox.com/  - Expensive but worth it.

http://www.desireclothing.co.uk - Lovely style of items in this online shop.

http://www.boohoo.com/ - I think majority of fashion victims will  know this website. 

http://www.yoursclothing.co.uk/ - Great shop for 14-32 size fashion babes.

http://www.ipanemaflipflops.co.uk/  - I haven't seen sooooo many flip flops in one place.

www.boden.co.uk  - What I like about it is the range of dresses they have at the moment. 

I bet there is so much more great online retail websites. Comment below if you know some amazing one!


Posted on 15 April 2013

What a lovely and sunny day in London! That's why I decided to go out and take some summery shots of flowers and nature around my home. I know this post might going to look silly but these images and especially weather puts everyone in SUCH a great mood. Everyone is walking around with families, riding bikes wearing short shorts and skirts (this bit is a liitle stupid but that's what normally British people would do once the weather gets a slightly higher). Looks like a have new springy desktop image until the first rain. Oh well... I'm getting use to it:)
Hope you all a also in the great mood as well. 


Posted on 13 April 2013

New term,  new exciting projects! The busiest and biggest one is Rave Magazine designing within the teams of 6-7 people. We all have our own roles from Editor and Art Director to Stylist and News Writer. I receive three very important and thrilling roles - Art Director, part-time photographer and illustrator. 
Due to project I went for magazines research and bough some fashion, street style related ones, which will help us to come up with great ideas and delve deeply into editorial magazine world. I pick up Hunger, POP and TLG. I felt in love with journal Document but 13 quid seem to be too much of it. Maybe next time. 

Not related to my magazine project but I will also purchase some new make-up pieces from Soap&Glory. Lately, I just become obsessed by this brand, everything - shampoo, conditioner, face and body scrubs and eventually make-up are from this lovely and funny company. I just adore the typography on the packaging and the packaging itself. Makes me smile every time I read it. Other purchase was Gilly Hicks underwear. Super comfortable and easy to wash, colours does fade out - these are the main reasons why I always go for this brand when it comes to underwear. Never tried the lotions of Gilly Hicks until this time, after I finish my current Victoria Secret ones (and oh God, I got so many of them. Big thanks for the Christmas sales) I will differently gonna become the ultimate Gilly Hicks chick.   

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