Posted on 28 April 2013
During Easter time I was required to produce five different meaning and style feel to it having photo-shoots based on words. Sounds a little bit confusing? Let me explain this than. I had a list of words, each of them has a hidden fashion meaning behind it. It could be centuries like 30's, 60's or 90's. it could be photographers inspired work like Richard Avendon or Nick Knight, it could be one piece of clothing/accessory like varsity jacket, fur scarf, little black dress. The words were:
Siren, Stunner, Chic, Dolly, New Look, Boyfriend, Vamp, Flapper, Belle Epoque, Land Girl, Utility, Riot Girl, Streamline, Demimonde, Jazz, Big Band, Bombshell, Hollywood Glamour, Amazon, Waif, Grunge.
There was an example for us to clearer understand what we been asked to produce. Gwen Paltrow did something similar, that thing is all those images has to have the same model, so it shows how diverse the person could be.
When I firstly saw those words I almost screamed of despair. Later all came into place and I've chosen words: Boyfriend, Vamp, Siren, Jazz and Chic. Sad part is that on every final photo I had to apply the key word and I absolutely HATE writhing words over the photos! Ahrrr... Anyway, thanks to my model Eva Bart, who was so inspired by this ideas of words and expressing her model talent in various ways. The Boyfriend idea was to show a very urban girl with her boyfriend varsity jacket joking and having fun in London's famous skate park - Southbank.
The next photo-shoot was held near the Parliament, the key word is Chic. Dress is from Topshop, which one perfectly represented my idea of Chic looking woman, who's always on trend by knows her on style and plays with it every season.
3rd is Siren word. I think this one was the trickiest for me in term of how to make look model that she is by the ocean, when I clearly don't near the beach (God, I'm in the middle of city jungle!) So, I played a little trick, made her hair wet, lay down by little stones and accessorised with shimmering necklace.
4th photo-shoot is Jazz theme. Decided to play with gorgeous leafs and branches of the tree shadows to create soft and sophisticated woman image.
And last but not least - Vamp photo-shoot which one I really really really like. Model look mysterious and elegant that's how I imagine woman vampire.
Sorry, for such a long post but I though all this series images has to be in one place. Hopefully it wasn't boring to look through all the photos:) Remember, magazine project is coming up so there will much more new photo-shoots!